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Rountree's Aquatic Animal Sound Library


I have a small collection of sound of aquatic animals other than fishes. For fish sounds go to the Fish Sound Library. Over the years I have auditioned many fish species, and some invertebrates, from many marine and freshwater habitats. This library of sounds of miscellaneous animals I've recorded including pink river dolphin, Amazonian Manatee, American Beaver, etc., and some that I've auditioned that did not produce sounds. Note that auditioning of crabs and turtles in the field is often problematic and likely to have a poor success rate. Species marked as silent during auditions do not indicate the species is mute, only that the specimens examined did not produce sounds which can happen for many reasons. The list below is sorted by scientific Order, Family and Species. Click on the links to go to the species information.
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Order Family Species Common name Audition or direct observation Audition link Soundscape Soundscape link
AnuraPipidae Pipa pipa Surinam toad Silent Audition none none
Artiodactyla Iniidae Inia geoffrensis Pink River Dolphin none none yesField
Carnivora Phocidae Phoca vitulina Harbor seal none none yesKnown
Crocodilia Alligatoridae Caiman crocodilus Spectacled Caiman Silent Audition none none
Crocodilia Alligatoridae Melanosuchus niger Black caiman Silent Audition none none
Decapoda Majidae Libinia emarginata Spider crab Silent Audition none none
Decapoda Portunidae Callinectes sapidus Blue crab Vocal Audition nonenone
Decapoda Portunidae Ovalipes ocellatus Lady crab Vocal Video nonenone
Decapoda Trichodactylidae Sylviocarcinus pictus Amazon freshwater crab Silent Audition none none
Rodentia Castoridae Castor canadensis North American Beaver Vocal Observed nonenone
Sirenia Trichechidae Trichechus inunguis Amazonian manatee none none yesKnown
Testudines Podocnemididae Podocnemis unifilis Yellow-spotted River Turtle Silent Audition none none

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